PBL attracts to North Jutland
North Jutland is almost the only part of Denmark where Morten Willatzen has not yet spent his career – and there is one good reason why that is now changing:
- The problem-based learning method known as the Aalborg model is internationally recognized and, in my opinion, an obviously correct way to teach mathematics, among other things. I look forward to learning more about it when I move to Aalborg and North Jutland, says Morten Willatzen.
Morten Willatzen is also looking forward to familiarizing himself with the region, getting acquainted with his new colleagues, and acquiring an overview of their areas of work. His so far limited knowledge of the department stems from previous assignments as an external examiner at AAU.
The future of the department
The new head of the department sees mathematics as a key to new opportunities and increased funding:
- Mathematics has a key role in teaching and research very broadly and throughout the university. I look forward to further developing this role by, for example, finding new applications for mathematics. At the same time, the central position of the mathematics subject is crucial for attracting more external research funding in collaboration with other departments at AAU as well as externally, says Morten Willatzen.
Acting Dean Thomas Bak expects Morten Willatzen to have what it takes to strengthen the department:
- Morten is known as a listening leader with a keen sense of both specific tasks and overall strategic management. This, I am convinced, will be extremely beneficial to the Department. I look forward to welcoming Morten and working with him to further develop our Department of Mathematical Sciences, states Thomas Bak.