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The new Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences unites research, management, and global network

Lagt online: 20.06.2024

Morten Willatzen has been appointed as the new Head of Department and Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He brings a broad and long-standing experience in both research and management from Danish and international universities.


The new Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences unites research, management, and global network

Lagt online: 20.06.2024

Morten Willatzen has been appointed as the new Head of Department and Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He brings a broad and long-standing experience in both research and management from Danish and international universities.

By David Graff, AAU Communication and Public Affairs

It is a man with a broad network, academic as well as managerial merits, and an international outlook who takes up the chair as head of the department at the Department of Mathematical Sciences on 1 August 2024, where he has his first day of work.

- Morten brings a versatile and broadly oriented academic background, and he is an internationally recognized researcher with relevant management experience from several universities. At the same time, he has extensive experience working in the intersection between the university and other stakeholders in society. This will be a great benefit for us. (Acting Dean Thomas Bak, ENGINEERING)

Since Morten Willatzen completed his PhD in theoretical physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, in 1993, the now 59-year-old physicist has been affiliated with DTU and SDU in research and management positions. He has also been researching at the Max Planck Institute in Germany and Wright State University in the United States. In addition, he has been responsible for research and development at Danfoss A/S and most recently he resided as a professor at the Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems in China.

Morten brings a versatile and broadly oriented academic background, and he is an internationally recognized researcher with relevant management experience from several universities. At the same time, he has extensive experience working in the intersection between the university and other stakeholders in society. This will be a great benefit for us.

Acting Dean Thomas Bak, ENGINEERING

PBL attracts to North Jutland

North Jutland is almost the only part of Denmark where Morten Willatzen has not yet spent his career – and there is one good reason why that is now changing:

- The problem-based learning method known as the Aalborg model is internationally recognized and, in my opinion, an obviously correct way to teach mathematics, among other things. I look forward to learning more about it when I move to Aalborg and North Jutland, says Morten Willatzen.

Morten Willatzen is also looking forward to familiarizing himself with the region, getting acquainted with his new colleagues, and acquiring an overview of their areas of work. His so far limited knowledge of the department stems from previous assignments as an external examiner at AAU.

The future of the department

The new head of the department sees mathematics as a key to new opportunities and increased funding: 

- Mathematics has a key role in teaching and research very broadly and throughout the university. I look forward to further developing this role by, for example, finding new applications for mathematics. At the same time, the central position of the mathematics subject is crucial for attracting more external research funding in collaboration with other departments at AAU as well as externally, says Morten Willatzen.

Acting Dean Thomas Bak expects Morten Willatzen to have what it takes to strengthen the department:

- Morten is known as a listening leader with a keen sense of both specific tasks and overall strategic management. This, I am convinced, will be extremely beneficial to the Department. I look forward to welcoming Morten and working with him to further develop our Department of Mathematical Sciences, states Thomas Bak.

Selected facts about Morten Willatzen


  • 2017-2024: Senior Full Professor, Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems (BINN), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • November 2017-2020: Guest Full Professor, DTU Fotonik (Technical University of Denmark)
  • 2016-2024: Adjoint Professor at the Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark
  • 2015 –2018: Chair of the PhD Board at DTU (Electronics, Communication, Nanotechnology and Space Research)
  • 2012 –2017: Deputy Director and Full Professor, DTU Fotonik
  • 2008: Guest Professor, Physics Department, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
  • 2002 to 2006 Vice Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, SDU, and representative for SDU in US
  • 2001 –2013: Co-organizer of 41st, 47th, 51st, 54th, 57th, 61st, 71st, 76th, 83rd, 88th, and 94th European Study Group for Industry in Mathematics (ESGI)
  • 2000 to 2012 Associate Professor (2000-2004), Professor MSO (2004-2007), Full Professor (since 2007), Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
  • 1995 –2000: Senior physicist, responsible for research and development in ultrasonic flow measurement technologies at Danfoss Instrumentation, Danfoss A/S
  • 1994 to 1995 Postdoctoral Fellow in Manuel Cardona’s group at the Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany.


  • 1993: PhD in Theoretical Physics, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • 1989: MSc in Physics and Mathematics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
  • 1984: Student from Kolding Gymnasium.

Morten Willatzen is 59 years old, married to Marianna Willatzen, and the father of two adult children.